Saturday, March 23, 2013

Your Last Time

The things we all do, we do for a purpose. The mistakes we make are just mistakes, but when does a mistake stop being a mistake? When does the things we do stop being just things? At times i feel so stupid for the things i do. I knew what i was doing. It was not me, being at the wrong place. There's no sad faces when you did shit intentionally. This so disappointing. The person you aim to make proud, you let him down. This is your second time, GROW UP!!!!! This should be your last time doing this.....

Monday, March 18, 2013

Emotions & Music 

JJJJQuote of the DayJJJJ

Most of my friends don’t get why watch Korean dramas. Here’s one of the many reasons why I can’t get over Korean dramas. When you’re watching TV shows, have you ever asked yourself where are my emotions coming from?  I bet not! Even though, the actors influence most of the emotions; ninety percent of the time, the emotions are created by the music. If you ever watched a horror movie, we all get scared when they play the over dramatic music, and you start yelling at the dumb blonde to stay the hell out of the dark attic or stop saynig “hello, anybody there”? Take me for example, when I'm piss beyond repair; the only thing to calm me is music. You've heard the saying “Music soothes the savage beasts.” Today when I was watching In Need Of Romance 2, (Korean drama) this Sara Bareilles song started playing. I liked it so much that I’m fantasying singing it for homecoming next year. (If I get picked, again) While listening to music in shows and movies; I get more attached to the characters and the show, just by listening to the music. So everybody take time and listen to the music in your life, you never know when the right emotion may come along.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

And I.....

Heads down
Pages turning
Minds thinking
And I watch
Speakers blaring
Music humming
Lips moving
And I listen
Smiling faces
Different colors
Shoes clicking
And I pass by
And I …..

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What An It

Today, has I stood in line to get my food, I saw “it”. It was kind of awkward because someone left the lunch table; and I was left there with “it” alone. A friend told me and another friend to let it go, meaning stop talking about it. I don’t really feel like I’m talking about “it”.  I feel I’m letting off steam. I got what she was saying, but at the same time nothing got resolve; it was just pushed off like nothing happened. Call me crazy, I feel like I introduced “it” to so many things and I feel mad, sad, and annoyed that she don’t realizes anything. Like you can treat me like how you did, and expect nothing to happen.  I can’t get over it; all I've been to “it” was a good person. Am I perfect? No! All I want to know is why you’re willing to put the bad first and not think about the good first. Yes! At times I do care what others say and think about me. So for you to call me fake, un-loyal, backstabber it’s hard on me. I don’t know why the hell I care at times. You are the first person to always be in confusion with me. You’re always looking for faults on me. I put shit behind me, when you act like an ass. It’s fine, this is me saying my finally words to myself. One day when you meet the perfect friend; that will always kiss your ass call me, and I’ll give him or her the 411. Will this be my last ranting session? Probably not….